Body & Health
Join us for exercises in balance, strength training and flexibility! Thursday evening at Von-Luck-Straße Gym.
E-Mail Sonia Weese or call 0179-397 49 73.
Yoga for Kids
Through fun-filled yoga poses, movement and breathing exercises, children will gain self-confidence, increased flexibility and body awareness. We will play games that encourage coordination, balance and strength. Yoga for kids will create good habits and a foundation for well being, essential in today’s hectic environment.
E-Mail Athanasia Tsavalas or call 0176-57 41 22 33.
Yoga for Teens
A super fun Yoga class just for teens, focusing on happy minds, bodies, and attitudes. Yoga helps promote flexibility, strength and coordination while incorporating healthy activity into daily life. Come by for a trial lesson!
E-Mail Athanasia Tsavalas or call 0176-57 41 22 33.
Yoga for Adults
Improve your overall well-being, increase energy flow, strength and happiness, calm your mind, bring your awareness inward and find your breath with one of the following yoga classes in English at the Von-Luck Kita gym with Melissa Cattarius, certified Yoga instructor.
Fridays 8:30-9:30 Sunrise Vinyasa Yoga
E-Mail Melissa Cattarius or call 0152-05 61 24 19.
Boxing for Kids
Boxing training for better endurance and strength. Training of concentration, attention and reaction, which will benefit the children in everyday school life. Course Wednesday afternoons.
E-Mail Thorsten Schwarz