Online Registration After School Day Care Child Last name First name Address Zip code City Languages Dominat Languages Date of Birth Gender FMD Class Start of care as of VoucherNo. (GH-XXXXXXXXXXX-XX) Date of Voucher Notice of need valid until end of grade Notice of need valid until Child of non-German language origin YesNo Module Please choose the required EFÖB module. Module 1: 06:00-07:30 hours (During school time) 6:00-13:30 hours (During vacation)Module 2: 13:30-16:00 hours (During school time) 7:30-16:00 hours (During vacation)Module 3: 06:00-07:30 and 13:30-16:00 hours (During school time) 6:00-16:00 hours (During vacation)Module 4: 13:30-18:00 hours (During school time) 7:30-18:00 hours (During vacation)Module 5: 06:00-07:30 and 13:30-18:00 hours (During school time) 6:00-18:00 hours (During vacation)Module Vacation only: 7:30-13:30 hours Legal guardian Salutation MsMrDiverse Last name First name E-Mail Phone number private Phone number work (optional) Joint custody YesNo [group group-legal-guardian-2] Legal guardian 2 Salutation MsMrDiverse Last name First name E-Mail Phone number private Phone number work (optional) Same address YesNo [group group-address-2] Address Zip code City [/group] [/group] Emergency Phone Numbers Other than legal guardians Name (optional) Phone number (optional) Name (optional) Phone number (optional) Health Allergies? YesNo [group group-allergies] Please specify [/group] Special concerns / illness? YesNo [group group-special-concerns] Please specify [/group] Nutritional restrictions? YesNo [group group-nutritional-restrictions] Please specify [/group] Authorized to pick up Name (optional) Phone number (optional) Name (optional) Phone number (optional) Name (optional) Phone number (optional) Upload Notification of need Format: .pdf, .jpg, .bmp or .png. Maximum file size: 5 MB Data privacy The data given here will be processed according to point 8 of your after school day care contract I have read the data protection information of the John F. Kennedy Friendship Center e.V. and agree to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the DSGVO declaration of the John F. Kennedy Friendship Center e.V.