Preschool Day Care
As a German–American club, we offer bilingual day care. The children are exposed to both languages and cultures.
The philosophy of our day care centers emphasizes tolerance and acceptance of other cultures, the value of appropriate social behavior and the support of independence and self-esteem in the children.
Children who have been in our day care center are not automatically accepted to the John F. Kennedy School.
Latest Information about registration and admission
The registration period for school year 2025/2026 runs until February 28, 2025.
Registration for Kita „Am Fichtenberg“
Registration for Kita „Lucky Kids“
Registration and Admission
Registration takes place from August till the end of February each year for the coming school year. Places will generally be allocated till the end of May. The application form for the “Kitagutschein” that is required for registration, can be downloaded here and is to be submitted to the “Jugendamt” of your district of residence. We will gladly help you fill out this form, which is required for admission. We require all families to be members of the Club.
The Center managers select the children according to the following key factors:
Language background:
- 1/3 English mother-tongue speaking children
- 1/3 German mother-tongue speaking children
- 1/3 bilingual children (E/G)
Children whose dominant language is neither German nor English can only be taken under exceptional circumstances.
- Girl/Boy ratio: Ideally 50/50
- Age: A balance in the age of the children
- Siblings: Preference is given to siblings of children already attending our day care centers.
If there are more registrations according to the key factors than space available, there will be a lottery.
The day care fee is set by the Berlin Senate (Tagesbetreuungskostenbeteiligungsgesetz). From 01/08/2018, the day care center will be free of charge for all children. Parents will only pay a contribution for meals (23,00 Euro).
We do not charge an additional fee for childcare.